
Here at UTC South Durham, the mental health and wellbeing of our students, staff and wider community is of paramount importance to us. 

That's why this World Mental Health Day, our Student Support team are sharing five ways your mental wellbeing can be more positive.


1. Talk

Talking about how you are feeling can really help. It's a brave move to open up to someone and when you do, your journey for help and support can begin.


2. Exercise

Movement keeps our brain healthy and can increase our self-esteem. It can also reduce stress and anxiety, so go for a walk, run, bike ride or swim when you're beginning to feel low.


3. Diet

Eating healthily from a well-balanced diet can improve your sense of wellbeing. Avoid caffeine and saturated fats - enjoy more fruit and vegetables instead!


4. Do something you’re good at 

Taking part in an activity you enjoy can help you beat your anxiety and significantly reduce stress levels. Whether it's reading a good book, playing a musical instrument or making a video for social media with your friends, take some time to do the things that you enjoy doing.


5. Kindness

Being kind and supportive to someone else will help you focus your mind on something else for a little while and help you feel a good sense of achievement. Check in on a friend you haven't spoke to for a while.


For more information on how UTC South Durham looks out for its students, staff and wider community, check out our Student Support Page here