SEN Information

Supporting students with special educational needs

We identify students as requiring additional support through parent, teacher, or professional referral. Classroom strategies may have proven unsuccessful, or significant specialist needs are identified. The appropriate SEND documentation is completed and forwarded to SENDCO, with the student, parents, and/or carers informed.

Teachers are consulted for their input, areas of need identified, and a SEND passport produced. Ongoing student needs are then monitored through an Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle.

Transition to UTC South Durham

Students will be able to share their SEN needs during the admissions meeting. This information is collated into a draft SEN passport which is shared with parents and key support staff in order to have a good understanding of the student before they join us.

For those students who have significant SEND need, or are particularly anxious about starting at a new school, we facilitate additional small group transition sessions, both towards the end of the summer term and within the summer holidays.  Parents of all SEND students are invited to an event which allows them to meet key members of the SEND team and to share any worries, concerns or additional information.

The four areas of SEND

Communication and Interaction

Young people with speech communication needs have difficulty communicating with others. This may be because they have difficulty saying what they want, understanding what is being said to them or they do not understand or use social rules of communication.  Young people with ASC are likely to have particular difficulties with social interaction.

Cognition and Learning

Specific learning difficulties affect one or more areas of learning. This encompasses a range of conditions such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Young people may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health such as depression, self harming or anxiety.

Sensory and/or Physical Needs

Some young people require special educational provision because they have a disability preventing them from making use of the educational facilities that are generally provided, or they are particularly sensitive to sensory inputs. This may include impairment which requires specialist support/or equipment to access lessons.

More information

Each local authority publishes a SEND Local Offer, a description of how and where families can access information, advice and support. This covers a broad range of information about the support that the local authority expects to be available across education, health and social care both within its own area and relevant services outside of it. The local offer also gives information on making complaints or challenging decisions.

Search your local offer

SEND Information Report

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