We identify students as requiring additional support through parent, teacher, or professional referral. Classroom strategies may have proven unsuccessful, or significant specialist needs are identified. The appropriate SEND documentation is completed and forwarded to SENDCO, with the student, parents, and/or carers informed.
Teachers are consulted for their input, areas of need identified, and a SEND passport produced. Ongoing student needs are then monitored through an Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle.
Transition to UTC South Durham
Students will be able to share their SEN needs during the admissions meeting. This information is collated into a draft SEN passport which is shared with parents and key support staff in order to have a good understanding of the student before they join us.
For those students who have significant SEND need, or are particularly anxious about starting at a new school, we facilitate additional small group transition sessions, both towards the end of the summer term and within the summer holidays. Parents of all SEND students are invited to an event which allows them to meet key members of the SEND team and to share any worries, concerns or additional information.