
Year 10


Welcome to GCSE Maths!

Numeracy skills and mathematical methods are the cornerstone of science, technology and engineering. Students must be fluent and confident in their maths skills as they progress through the UTC and into future courses or employment.

We teach in line with the national curriculum whilst linking mathematics to real-life and industry applications, particularly in the engineering sector. During visits to our industry partners, you will be able to see how such topics as algebra, ratio, geometry, probability and statistics are applied in the workplace. We offer additional support for students who struggle with aspects of the maths curriculum.


Exam Board: AQA GCSE Maths

  • 1 x 1 hour 30 minute non-calculator exam
  • 2 x 1 hour 30 minute calculator exam

Learning Journey

Maths (Higher): Student Learning Journey

Maths (Foundation): Student Learning Journey

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