Current Parent Information

School Dates

We follow the same term dates as other schools in the County Durham area but is subject to change.


Reporting Absence

If your son/daughter is too unwell to attend UTC please contact our Attendance Officer, Julie Bushby, as soon as possible to advise the reason for absence. We ask that you contact UTC each day that your child is absent unless you have given a clear indication of how long the absence will last.

Contact Julie Bushby

Tel: 01325 430 266



Routine appointments, including medical or dental, should be made outside of school/college hours. If this is not possible, we require a notification in advance. Please contact Julie Bushby ensuring that you provide evidence of appointments.

Leave of Absence

If you wish to make an application for your child’s term time leave you must complete an application form which can be requested from the UTC reception. Following the submission of your application, you will be notified as soon as possible of our decision.